Understanding the difference between ˍˍˍ and ˍˍˍ in front-end development

As a writer or developer working with English or front-end technologies, you'll come across many similar words or concepts with different use cases and applications. For instance, "speak", "tell", "talk", and "say" are verbs that may seem interchangeable, yet they have different meanings.
Similar situations arise in front-end development with concepts like `display: none`, `opacity: 0`, and `visibility: hidden` used to hide elements in CSS. In HTML, `preload` and `prefetch` are attributes that can improve loading performance. For better performance, we use techniques like debouncing and throttling in JavaScript.
In addition to vanilla front-end technologies, we often use external libraries or frameworks to speed up development. However, these libraries may introduce similar concepts, such as controlled or uncontrolled and stateless or stateful components in React.
Understanding the differences between similar concepts is crucial. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses allows us to use them effectively.
I firmly believe that if we have knowledge about something, we should know it inside and out. That's why I created this collection. It covers the distinctions between various topics in front-end development, such as CSS, DOM, HTML, and JavaScript. It also includes "good to know" sections, best practices, tips, and tricks to help you master these concepts.
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough Albert Einstein







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