Resize columns of a table
Written byPhuoc Nguyen
05 Mar, 2020
Last updated
07 May, 2021
Level 3 — Advanced
Assume that we want to resize any column of the following table:
<table id="resizeMe" class="table">
#Prepare the resizer
For each column, we insert a
element indicating that the associated column can be resized. The resizer element is positioned absolutely inside the column. The CSS styles for them would be as below:css
.table th {
position: relative;
.resizer {
/* Displayed at the right side of column */
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
width: 5px;
cursor: col-resize;
user-select: none;
// Query the table
const table = document.getElementById('resizeMe');
// Query all headers
const cols = table.querySelectorAll('th');
// Loop over them
[], function (col) {
// Create a resizer element
const resizer = document.createElement('div');
// Set the height = `${table.offsetHeight}px`;
// Add a resizer element to the column
// Will be implemented in the next section
createResizableColumn(col, resizer);
#Handle the resizer's events
We are going to implement a function,
, which accepts two parameters:`col`
that represents the table header`resizer`
that represents the resizer element within the column
In order to allow user to resize
, we have to handle three events:`mousedown`
on the resizer: Track the current position of mouse`mousemove`
: Calculate how far the mouse has been moved, and adjust the width of the column`mouseup`
: Remove the event handlers of`document`
const createResizableColumn = function (col, resizer) {
// Track the current position of mouse
let x = 0;
let w = 0;
const mouseDownHandler = function (e) {
// Get the current mouse position
x = e.clientX;
// Calculate the current width of column
const styles = window.getComputedStyle(col);
w = parseInt(styles.width, 10);
// Attach listeners for document's events
document.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
const mouseMoveHandler = function (e) {
// Determine how far the mouse has been moved
const dx = e.clientX - x;
// Update the width of column = `${w + dx}px`;
// When user releases the mouse, remove the existing event listeners
const mouseUpHandler = function () {
document.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMoveHandler);
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUpHandler);
resizer.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDownHandler);
TipThis post uses the Attach event handlers inside other handlers tip
#Highlight the resizer
We can improve the user experience a little bit. When user hovers or clicks on the resizer, it can be hightlighted.
To demonstrate the idea in the most simple way, we add a solid border to the
.resizing {
border-right: 2px solid blue;
class is added to the resizer while user clicks and drags the resizer:js
const mouseDownHandler = function(e) {
const mouseUpHandler = function() {
#See also

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