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Inspect an element shown on hover

Written byPhuoc Nguyen
01 Mar, 2021
To inspect an element with Chrome DevTools, we usually right-click the element and choose Inspect from the context menu. However, it doesn't work with a dynamic element that is displayed when we hover on a given element. A JavaScript tooltip is a common example.
There are a few ways to inspect that kind of elements.

Trigger the mouseover event

  • Right-click the original element, and choose the Inspect menu item
  • Click the Console tab
  • Fire the `mouseover` event by excuting the following code in the Console:
new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
`$0` represents the current inspected element
It simulates the `mouseover` event that is supposed to happen when we hover on the original element.

Pause the script execution

  • Open the Chrome Developer Tools, and click the Sources tab
  • Hover on the target element, and click the F8 key
  • Move the mouse over the target element
  • Activate the Elements tab, and you will see the dynamic element shown up here

Use debugger

It's similar to the previous way.
  • In the Console, execute the following code:
handler = (e) => {
if (e.key === 'Enter') debugger;
document.addEventListener('keydown', handler);
Running `debugger` here will pause the script execution when we press the Enter key. Of course, you can replace it with other key.
  • Hover on the target element, and click the Enter key
  • The dynamic element is displayed and visible under the Elements tab
Once you don't want to monitor the dynamic element anymore, you can stop listening to the `keydown` event:
document.removeEventListener('keydown', handler);

Track subtree modifications

  • Open the Chrome Developer Tools, and click the Elements tab
  • Right-click the `body` element, and choose Break on > subtree modifications from the context menu
Break on subtree modifications
Break on subtree modifications
If the dynamic element, a tooltip for example, is generated in the parent element of the target element, then you should choose the parent instead of the `body` element
  • Move the mouse over the target element
  • You will see the dynamic element shown in the Elements tab
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Phước Nguyễn