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const vs let vs var

Written byPhuoc Nguyen
18 Jun, 2020
There are three keywords to declare a variable:
  • `var`
  • `let` and `const` which are only available in ES6


  1. It's not possible to access the `let` variable outside of the nearest enclosing block where it is declared.
    let foo;

    // ReferenceError: foo is not defined
    The sample code above works if we replace the `let` with `var` declaration.
  2. A `let` variable can't be used before it's declared. The sample code below throws a `ReferenceError`:
    foo = 'hello';
    let foo;
    // ReferenceError: Cannot access 'foo' before initialization
    We will see `hello` in the Console if we use `var` in the sample code above.
  3. It's not possible to re-declare variables with `let`.
    // There is no problems if variables are re-declared with the same name
    var foo, foo;
    var bar;
    var bar;

    let baz;
    let baz;
    // Throw the following error
    // SyntaxError: Identifier 'baz' has already been declared
  4. At the top level, global `let` variables aren't attached to the global `window` object.
    let foo = 'hello';
    window.foo; // undefined

    var bar = 'world';
    window.bar; // 'world'
  5. Using `let` can avoid the problem with closures that `var` has.
    To demonstrate the problem, let's assume that we have a list of rows. In each row, we have a button for removing the associate item in the row.
    We loop over the items, and handle the `click` event of the button in each row:
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    document.getElementById(`button-\${i}`).addEventListener('click', function () {
    // Remove the item
    It doesn't work as we expect. We always see the last item index (`9` in this case) in the Console when clicking any button. The variable `i` in the closure of event handler will refer to the same object, which is the last index when looping over the indexes.
    The problem can be fixed by using `let`:
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    document.getElementById(`button-\${i}`).addEventListener('click', function () {
    // It's safe to use the index `i` here
  6. The `const` keyword behaves same as `let`, except the variable can't be changed.
    // Throw the following error
    // SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration
    const a;
    You also have to specific a value for a constant.
    const a = 'hello';

    // Throw the following error
    // TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
    a = 'world';
    It's worth noting that using `const` doesn't mean that the variable is immutable. You can change the properties of an object:
    const person = {};
    person.age = 20;
    And add more items to an array:
    const arr = [];
    arr[1] = 'bar';
    console.log(arr); // ['foo', 'bar']

Good practice

Don't use `var` unless you have to support old browsers which don't support `let` and `const` keywords.

Good to know

Each programming language use different keywords to declare a variable and constant. The following table list out some examples:
LanguageVariable declarationConstant declaration
C#`string s = "hello"``const string s = "hello"`
Java`String s = "hello"``final String s = "Hello"`
Scala`var s = "hello"``val s = "hello"`
Swift`var s = "hello"``let s = "hello"`
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Phước Nguyễn