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Speech bubble

Written byPhuoc Nguyen
31 Aug, 2023
Speech bubbles are a popular and effective way to show dialogue or thoughts in a visual way. You've probably seen them in comics, cartoons, ads, and social media posts. They add humor, emotion, and personality to a design while also giving context to the viewer. Plus, speech bubble layouts can make text-heavy designs more engaging by breaking them up.
In this post, we'll learn how to make a speech bubble layout using CSS. Let's get started!


You only need to provide one element to add the speed bubble effect.
<div class="speech-bubble">
<!-- Content goes here -->

Adding a triangle

To create a speech bubble, we can display a triangle at the bottom-left corner of the container. Rather than adding an external element to the container, we can create the triangle using the `::before` pseudo-element. Here's an example to help you visualize it:
.speech-bubble {
position: relative;
.speech-bubble::before {
content: '';

position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: -1rem;

border-width: 1rem;
border-style: solid;
transparent transparent rgb(226 232 240) transparent;
First, we set the `position` property of the container to `relative`. This allowed us to position the triangle using absolute positioning.
But the real magic comes from the `::before` pseudo-element. We used the `content` property to add an empty string to this element. That may seem weird, but it's necessary because pseudo-elements require content to be displayed. To position the triangle where we wanted it, we used the `bottom` and `left` properties. By setting the `left` property to a negative value, we moved half of the triangle outside of the container.
Finally, we created the triangle shape by setting the `border-color` property to transparent for the top, left, and right borders. This made the perfect triangle we were looking for.
If you want to change the direction or position of the triangle, it's easy to do by following this post.
Let's take a moment to review the progress we've made with these steps.

Using two pseudo-elements

In the previous section, we used the `::before` pseudo-element to create a triangle. Now, let's take it a step further and create two circles using the `::before` and `::after` pseudo-elements.
Take a look at the demo below to see how it looks:
To achieve this, we position both pseudo-elements absolutely at the bottom-left corner of the container, just like in the previous example.
.speech-bubble::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
However, each of them is positioned differently by using the `transform` property. Let's take a closer look at the `transform` declaration for the `::before` pseudo-element. The first and second numbers move the element along the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) axis, respectively.
.speech-bubble::before {
transform: translate(-0.5rem, 0.5rem);

See also

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