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Navigate to a specific item in a carousel slider

Written byPhuoc Nguyen
14 Oct, 2023
A carousel slider is a component that lets users easily browse through a collection of items, such as images or cards, by sliding them horizontally or vertically. It's a popular feature on websites and mobile apps that showcase products, features, or news articles.
Carousel sliders can be found on a wide range of websites and apps, including e-commerce platforms, news portals, and social media sites. They offer an interactive and engaging way for users to navigate content without taking up too much screen space.
In this post, we'll learn how to add smooth animation to the carousel slider, making it even more enjoyable for users to navigate.

Understanding HTML markup

Before we dive into the next section, it's recommended that you take a look at this post. It outlines how we use CSS to create a carousel slider.
Here's a look at what the slider looks like without any interaction:

Adding animation to navigation

There are several ways to navigate between items: by clicking the corresponding dot or the previous or next arrow. To enable this functionality, you'll need to create a function that jumps to the selected item.
const sliderEle = document.getElementById('slider');
const innerEle = sliderEle.querySelector('.slider__inner');

const jump = (index) => {
innerEle.style.transform = `translateX(${-100 * index}%)`;
The `jump()` function lets us navigate to a specific item in the carousel slider. When we call this function, it shifts the inner container to the left by a value that moves the target item into view.
To make this transition smooth and visually appealing, we can add an animation effect using CSS transitions. We apply a `transition` property to the `.slider__inner` element with a value of `0.4s transform`. This tells the browser to animate any changes made to the `transform` property of this element over a duration of 0.4 seconds. This way, you get a nice, polished look and feel for your carousel slider.
.slider__inner {
transition: 0.4s transform;
Now, when we call the `jump()` function and change the `transform` property of `.slider__inner`, the animation will run smoothly over 0.4 seconds.
To navigate to the corresponding item when a dot is clicked, we can add an event listener to each dot element. When a dot is clicked, we can determine its index in the array of dots and use that index to call the `jump()` function with the correct argument.
Here's how we can do it:
const dots = [...sliderEle.querySelectorAll('.slider__dot')];

dots.forEach((dot) => {
dot.addEventListener('click', () => {
const index = dots.indexOf(dot);
To start, we select all elements with the `.slider__dot` class using `querySelectorAll()`. This gives us a NodeList, which we convert into an array using the spread operator (`...`). This lets us use array methods like `forEach()`.
For each dot element, we add a `click` event listener that calls a callback function when the element is clicked. Inside this function, we use `indexOf()` to determine the index of the current dot element. This returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array of dots.
We then pass this index as an argument to our `jump()` function, which activates the corresponding item in our carousel slider.
To navigate to the previous and next items in our carousel slider, we can add click event listeners to the previous and next arrow elements. We'll use the `jump()` function we created earlier to handle the navigation.
First, we define two variables: `numItems`, which represents the total number of elements in our carousel slider, and `currentIndex`, which represents the index of the currently active item (initially set to zero).
const numItems = dots.length;
let currentIndex = 0;
Next, we select both the previous and next arrow elements using `querySelector()`.
const prevEle = sliderEle.querySelector('.slider__prev');
const nextEle = sliderEle.querySelector('.slider__next');
We add a `click` event listener to each element that calls a callback function when clicked.
Inside each callback function, we check whether it's possible to move in either direction. If moving backward (`prev`), we make sure that there isn't any "underflow" by checking whether the current index is greater than zero. If moving forward (`next`), we make sure that there isn't any "overflow" by checking whether the current index is less than `numItems - 1`.
If it's possible to move in either direction, we call `jump()` with an argument of `currentIndex + 1` or `currentIndex - 1`, depending on the direction.
prevEle.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (currentIndex > 0) {
jump(currentIndex - 1);

nextEle.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (currentIndex < numItems - 1) {
jump(currentIndex + 1);

Adding animation to the active dot

To take the user experience to the next level, we can animate the active dot. To position the active dot inside the navigation, we first need to add a new element with the class `slider__dot--active` as follow:
<div class="slider__navigation">
<div class="slider__dot"></div>
<div class="slider__dot"></div>
<div class="slider__dot"></div>
<div class="slider__dot"></div>
<div class="slider__dot"></div>

<div class="slider__dot--active"></div>
The element indicates which dot is currently active and is positioned absolutely within the navigation container. We then set its `top` and `left` properties to `0`, which positions it at the top left corner of the container. Since it's positioned absolutely, it will be positioned relative to the navigation container.
Finally, we can add some additional styles to give the active dot a distinct appearance from the inactive dots. In our example, we've set its background color to a darker shade of blue than the inactive dots, but this can be customized based on your design preferences.
Here's an example of the active dot element styles:
.slider__dot--active {
background: rgb(100 116 139);
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
We can make the active dot element's animation smoother by adding a `transition` property to its CSS ruleset. This property tells the browser to animate any changes made to the `transform` property of the element over a period of 0.4 seconds.
.slider__dot--active {
transition: 0.4s transform;
With this property in place, any change we make to the `transform` property of our active dot element will be animated smoothly over a period of 0.4 seconds.
To update the position and animate the active dot when we navigate between items in our carousel slider, we'll need to modify our `jump()` function slightly.
We can start by selecting our active dot element using `querySelector()`. We then set its `transform` property to translate it horizontally by a value equal to the offset of the currently active dot.
const activeDot = sliderEle.querySelector('.slider__dot--active');

const jump = (index) => {
currentIndex = index;
const dot = dots[currentIndex];
activeDot.style.transform = `translateX(${dot.offsetLeft}px)`;
With these changes in place, our active dot will now smoothly transition from one position to another as we navigate between items in our carousel slider.


Let's check out the final result. Click on the dots or arrows to see how both the target item and corresponding slot are animated simultaneously.

See also

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